Monday, 25 June 2012

Verb conjunctions

In Greek verbs are divided into two conjunctions.  Two categories.  The first conjunction (α’ συζυγία) includes the verbs which are not stressed on the last syllable. The verbs of the second conjunction (β’ συζυγία) are always stressed on the last syllable.
The second conjunction is divided into two groups. In the first group are the verbs with the ending -α and in the second group the verbs with the ending –εί in present form of the indicative, third person singular. This will help you form the other tenses as well.
The tense for both conjunctions in the following examples is the Simple Present of the indicative. Later we will see the conjunctions for the other tenses.
First conjunction
Λύνω, solve.
Αυτός, αυτή, αυτόλύν-ει
Αυτοί, αυτές, αυτάλύν-ουν
In order to conjugate the verbs we keep the verb without the ending and then we just add the suitable ending.
Second Conjunction, first group (-α).
Απαντώ, answer.
Εγώαπαντor απαντ-άω
Εσύαπαντ -άς
Αυτός, αυτή, αυτόαπαντ –άor απαντ-άει
Εμείςαπαντ –ούμεor απαντ-άμε
Εσείςαπαντ -άτε
Αυτοί, αυτές, αυτάαπαντ –ουνor απαντ-άνε
Do not forget that all the verbs of this category have two forms in all persons apart from the second person in both singular and plural. In Greek the first person of the verb functions as the infinitive.  Thus, the infinitive for the first group of the second conjunction can have two forms as well. Don’t get confused.
Second Conjunction, second group (-ει).
Εσύλειτουργ -είς
Αυτός, αυτή, αυτόλειτουργ –εί
Εμείςλειτουργ –ούμε
Εσείςλειτουργ -είτε
Αυτοί, αυτές, αυτάλειτουργ –ουν
Here are some verbs.
1st Conjunction2nd Conjunction , first group2nd Conjunction, second group
Γράφω = writeΑγαπώ = loveΑκολουθώ = follow
Σβήνω = eraseΦιλώ = kissΠαρατηρώ = observe
Παιζώ = playΚρατώ = holdΕποκοινωνώ = communicate
Πλένω = washΡωτώ, askΕξηγώ = explain
Αγοράζω = buyΣπαταλώ = wasteΣυγχωρώ = forgive
Πηγαίνω =  dieΜετρώ = countΠληροφορώ = inform
Μαθαίνω = learnΧαιρετώ = waveΟδηγώ = drive
Έχω = haveΠηδώ = jumpΟμολογώ = confess
Πιστεύω = believeΓελώ = laughΖώ = live
Φωνάζω = shoutΚολυμπώ = swimΔημιουργώ = create

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